Finding Serendipity – A Workshop with Craig Semetko – Feb 3-5, 2017 Miami


Can you cultivate luck in your photography? Did you ever wonder why certain photographers seem to be more lucky than others?

Join renowned photographer Craig Semetko for this Master Class Weekend on the streets of Miami and explore the role of serendipity in the pursuit of truly candid moments.

This workshop experience provides the ideal opportunity to hear the stories behind Semetko’s images and learn, first hand, his techniques and approach to “getting lucky.”   A true master at capturing the offbeat and unusual moments found in everyday life, Semetko has been called a “connoisseur of the spontaneous moment.” His talent for capturing real unposed moments is only matched by his willingness to share his creative process and approach to finding pictures with others, making him a favorite among Leica Akademie students.

Semetko will draw from his masters degree thesis on serendipity in photography and lead discussions on the role it plays in his work and yours. Classroom discussions will lead to the streets of Miami where attendees will photograph with serendipity in mind. For those of you who have taken Semetko’s D.I.E. workshop, this is a natural progression—for those who haven’t experienced a workshop with Craig, you’re in for a treat!

“Good photographs are tough enough to shoot. Really funny ones are even harder. Good and funny photographs observed in nature not arranged or manipulated but simply observed in real time with amazing consistency, constitute a minor miracle….” Elliott Erwitt in his forward to Semetko’s book

Register Here.


Leica M Owner's Workshop: Los Angeles, CA - January 7, 2017


Leica in the Landscape– MARCH 27 – 31 2017 
- PT. Reyes National Sea Shore, CA