5 Tips on Getting the Most out of Your Leica Society Membership


In this installment of the LHSA "How To" video series, LHSA's Executive Director, Richard Rejino, shares his 5 tips on getting the most out of your Leica Society Membership. In addition to his LHSA duties, Richard is also a pianist, writer, and a part-time professional photographer.  In this “How To” video series, Helen Todd sat down with Richard to discuss his 5 tips.

  1. Take Advantage of Leica Society's Viewfinder Quarterly Journal

  2. Utilize the LHSA Website: lhsa.org

  3. Support Photographers through the LHSA Philanthropy Fund

  4. Join Leica Society Meetings

  5. Receive Leica USA Discounts

Special thanks to Richard Rejino.



#rejinophotography  @richardrejino

Thanks to Helen Todd from our social media agency, Sociality Squared.

LHSA -The International Leica Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to all aspects of Leica Camera, including photography, research, history, documentation, and collecting. Learn more and become a member here: https://lhsa.org/join


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