Leica SL2 Review


So, here we have Leica’s upgrade to the SL, or so I thought, but it isn’t quite that simple.

I have been looking back at my Lightroom catalogue and it seems that I first shot with the Leica SL on June 1st, 2015. Since then I’ve photographed lots of events, seven weddings and hundreds of landscape, environmental and wildlife images (and even some street photography).

Nearly four and a half years on, my camera has been through hell and high water, Rain and sweat, and dust and sea spray, it’s been banged against walls and pulled onto the floor by children. It has performed flawlessly, and I know it better than any camera I have ever used. I have no idea how many pictures I’ve taken with it, but I have around 20,000 saved images (and I’m really very brutal about culling) I would estimate well over 200,000.

The SL still fulfills all my requirements, and I’m still in love with the interface. So why would I want something different, and let’s be honest - how often does one really NEED 47mp. Added to which the strap lugs on the SL2 stick out, and it only has 3 buttons on the back (rather than the 4 on the SL), and they have writing on them!

Worse than that, they’ve replaced the beautiful Bauhaus brutalism with a kind of soft-edged version, all the edges smoothed out and finessed.

But it’s my job to test these cameras, so I have, and my thoughts are below.

Guelder Rose ISO 100 f2 1/2000th Leica APO Summicron SL 75mm

Guelder Rose
ISO 100 f2 1/2000th Leica APO Summicron SL 75mm

As usual, I should stress that my remit is to test cameras, not to write reviews, and if I find something wrong, then my duty is to tell Leica about it (not you). And I certainly do tell Leica! Having said that, I would never knowingly miss out on a fault (like the sticky out strap lugs), and I will do my very best to convey my honest feelings about the camera. Leica never tries to influence my writing, although they do have the opportunity to fact check what I write.

To read more, click here.


Special Offer from Dale Laboratories


Leica Announces the New Leica SL2