LHSA Fall Conference & Annual Meeting – Oct. 22 & 23


Registration Open!

We are looking forward to our first in-person conference since 2019! Mark your calendars and save the date for LHSA – The International Leica Society’s Conference and Annual Meeting from October 22-23 at the Westin Bellevue Hotel, Bellevue (Seattle) Washington.

The program is almost complete, and here are a few highlights:

  1. Leica on LoanLeica

  2. Evening reception at Leica Store Bellevue

  3. LHSA Photo Contest and Gallery Showing

  4. Excursion to Pike Place Market

  5. And a lineup of great speakers and sessions

We will be sending out details on registration, the program, and hotel reservations in the coming days. Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

Richard Rejino

Richard is the Executive Director of LHSA - The International Leica Society and a part-time professional photographer. He is also a classically trained pianist, writer and published author. His book, "What Music Means to Me" is available from Hal Leonard Corporation.


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