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Show & Tell: Your Favorite Accessories

This is your chance to show and tell us about your favorite photo accessory, whether it’s a bag, neck strap, add-on, grip, tripod, accessory viewfinder, or whatever makes shooting more enjoyable for you. This interactive webinar will give you 60 seconds to show us the one favorite you use, and take a few questions. We will try to get through at least 20 different accessories during the hour together, and share some of our favorites here at LHSA. Please make sure you have good lighting and a solid Internet connection and come prepared to share!

Our host: Brad Husick is an LHSA Board Member and professional photographer with more than 40 years of experience. Brad’s photos have been published in several magazines and in the New York Times. He was the mission photographer for the first private spaceflight – Space Ship One, and for the launch of the first Ocean Cleanup system in the Pacific. Brad was also a professional sports photographer for three years. He often writes camera, software and lens reviews for online sites and teaches extensively for groups and individuals. Brad is a member of LHSA’s “Ask an Expert” panel.

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